Dell Switch Configuration Commands

July 17, 2023, Updated: May 18, 2024

Connect using Serial Cable

# Check the baud rate of the switch
# It is usually 9600 or 115200
sudo screen /dev/ttyS0 115200

# Later to connect to previous screen session
sudo screen -x

Save Configuration

copy running-config startup-config

Configuring Management Interface IP

interface managementethernet 1/1
ip address <ip address>/<cidr>
no shutdown

Configuring Host Name

hostname <host_name>

Enabling SSH Server

ip ssh server enable

Create an account

username <username> password 0 <password>

Create enable Secret

enable password 0 <password>

Enable Simple L2 Switching

interface gigabitethernet 1/<port number>
no shutdown

Configuring a Range of Interfaces

interface range gigabitethernet 1/<start-port>-1/<end-port>

# Example:
interface range tengigabitethernet 1/3/1-1/3/4

VLANs Configuration

There are a few rules:

  • A port can be untagged to MAX one VLAN and at least one VLAN, only one VLAN in another word.
  • A port can be tagged to multiple VLAN at the same time.
  • A port can’t be tagged and untagged to the same VLAN.
Types of VLAN Port
  • Aceess: Part of only one VLAN (usually default vlan i.e. VLAN 1)
  • Hybrid: Allow multiple VLANs through. Multiple tagged and untagged VLANs are allowed.
  • Trunk: Allow multiple tagged VLANs through.

PLAN (Private VLAN) VLANs are used to isolate users in different subnets usually. However, PVLAN is used to isolate users in the same subnet. ISPs uses PVLAN to prevent their users reach to each other.

vlan types hybrid trunk access
Vlan Interface Types [source:]
# ---- [Listing VLANs]
show vlan

# ---- [Creating VLANs]
interface vlan <new VLAN ID>

# ---- [Adding ports to VLAN]
interface vlan <VLAN ID>
untagged gigabitethernet 1/<port number>
untagged gigabitethernet 1/45-1/48
no untagged gigabitethernet 1/<port number>

# Then add to a vlan either tagged ot untagged

Real Example: Trunk Port Setup

I was at the data center recently, trying to establish a connection to the network A.B.C.D/X through Switch A. This network is accessible only through tagged VLAN 2500.

vlan trunk access port example dell switch setup
The flow of untagged traffic entering through ports 2 and 3 and how Switch A handles it.

The Setup:

  • Port 1 on Switch A needs to be a trunk port, allowing it to carry multiple tagged VLANs: 2100 and 2500. This trunk port can send and receive traffic from both VLANs while maintaining their tags.
  • Port 2 is an access port that should be untagged for VLAN 2500. This means it will handle traffic without tags, adding the VLAN 2500 tag to outgoing traffic and removing it from incoming traffic.
  • Port 3 is an access port that belongs to VLAN 2100. Traffic from devices connected to this port is untagged when it enters Switch A.

Traffic Flow:

Port 3 (VLAN 2100): Traffic from a device connected to port 3 enters Switch A as untagged. Since port 3 is associated with VLAN 2100. When this traffic needs to access network A.B.C.D/X, Switch A sends it out through port 1 as both are member of same VLAN 2500. Port 1 re-tags the traffic with VLAN 2500 before sending it to the network A.B.C.D/X.

Port 2 is set as an untagged member of VLAN 2500, Switch A processes this traffic as part of VLAN 2500. When it exits through port 1, it is tagged with VLAN 2500 and sent to Switch B, destined for the network A.B.C.D/X.

# port 1
interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/1
switchport mode private-vlan trunk

# port 2, 3

# vlan 2100
interface vlan 2100
untagged TenGigabitEthernet 1/3
tagged TenGigabitEthernet 1/1

# vlan 2500
interface vlan 2500
tagged TenGigabitEthernet 1/1
untagged TenGigabitEthernet 1/2

Show Connected Devices

show mac-address-table

Show Config

show interfaces status
show interfaces configured
show interfaces switchport
show running-config

# For an Interface:
interface twentyFiveGigE 1/3/1
show config

Breakout Ports

show system stack-unit 1 fanout configured

stack-unit <stack number> port <port number> portmode <mode> speed <speed>

# Example with no:
no stack-unit 1 port 3 portmode quad

#<stack number>: 1-6
#<port number>: 1/2
#<mode>: {dual, quad, single}
#<speed>: {100G, 40G, 10G}

# Example:
stack-unit 1 port 1/2 portmode single speed 40G


  • 1x100G: single and 100G
  • 1x40G: single and 40G
  • 2x50G: dual and 50G
  • 4x10G: quad and 10G
  • 4x25G: quad and 25G

Set an interface to default settings:

default interface twentyFiveGigE 1/3/3

OpenFlow Configuration

Dell(conf)#openflow of-instance 1
Dell(conf-of-instance-1)#controller 1 tcp sndbuf 32000
Dell#show openflow of-instance 1
Instance : 1
Controller 1 : TCP,, rcv/sndbuf 2000/32000, not-connected
Controller 2 : -

openflow of-instance 1
 controller 1 tcp 
 of-version 1.0
 dpid-mac-addr 00:00:00:01:00:52
 no shutdown

cam-acl default
cam-acl-vlan default

That’s it!

Networking Dell Switch Linux